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Online Typing Course

Online Typing Course

499 ₹

3500 ₹

We Trained People to Quickly and Easily become a Professional Typist without Spending Thousands of Rupees.

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Expiry period 12 Months
Made in Hindi
Last updated at Wed May 2024
Total lectures 22
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 02:20:01 Hours
Total enrolment 1119
Number of reviews 4
Avg rating
Short description We Trained People to Quickly and Easily become a Professional Typist without Spending Thousands of Rupees.
  • Learn Touch Typing
  • Gain typing Speed upto 65 WPM
  • Typing Accuracy Above 99%
  • Clear Any Typing Exam in India
  • Any Qwerty Keyboard
  • Computer or Mobile
  • For mobile user Need OTG Cable also to connect keyboard with mobile